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Welcome, Tutors!

We created this blog to provide a space for Literacy Together tutors to come together virtually, ask questions, share stories, address concerns, and offer suggestions for games and teaching strategies that we've found helpful. 


Tutoring is a joy and a privilege, but it can also be challenging and can feel isolating. This blog aims to address that by building up our community with tutor-provided stories and information.


In these pages and posts, we hope to provide fun and funny stories, question-and-answer opportunities, and links to valuable resources for games and activities, learning strategies, and relevant research on community literacy goals and processes.


You can leave comments on any post you see that you find interesting, whether to offer support or ask a question.


If you want to contribute to the blog (whether by writing an article, offering a resource, or asking a question), please contact Meghan ( or Aimee ( We'll help you find the right way to get involved!


Please do bear in mind that this blog is a brand-new project, so it's under development and will be growing and improving over time. If you have suggestions for content that would benefit you in your tutoring, please let us know!

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