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Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, we'll address some of our tutors' most frequently asked questions to help you find answers quickly and efficiently to common problems.


If you have specific questions that aren't answered here, please feel free to ask your fellow tutors in the Discussion Board or email Meghan or Erin for support.

Frequently Asked Questions



Where is the link?

This is the link to our new online form. You can either bookmark it on your computer or find it on our website OR on our blog


How does it work?

You have to enter all the information with an asterisk in order to successfully submit it.

For each class, after you enter the info for your first class of the month, you can click the green "Add Tutoring Session" box for each subsequent session. For the start time and end time of your classes, I’d recommend clicking on the small clock icon to select the times. 

In order to submit it, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click "Submit Attendance" in blue. A box will pop up asking for confirmation (or alerting you if you missed something). Once you confirm everything is OK, you'll receive a final message letting you know the submission was successful.


Why isn’t the form letting me submit?

–Did you fill out everything with asterisks?

– If you check a box under “This month my student..”, you may need to specify in the box what your student did 

– the time input requires you to put PM or AM

– Double check your dates/times to make sure they are in the correct format

– The hours only accept .25 increments


Can I save a copy for myself?

 An easy way to save this form is to right click anywhere on the page before submitting, select "Print" and then under "Destination" click "save as PDF".  You can collect all of your timesheets in a folder on your computer this way


How can I save as I go?

There is an option to save this form if you prefer to fill it out as you complete tutoring sessions throughout the month. 


At the top of the page you should see three buttons: 

Save Form Progress (click this after inputting info you'd like to save)

Load Form Progress (click this whenever you re-open the attendance form link) to bring up what you saved last time)

Clear Saved Form Progress (only click this if you want to delete the saved form data). 

Important: this will not work if you use an incognito window or clear your browser history or access the form from different computers. For confidentiality reasons, please don't save the form when using public computers.




I need more materials for my student. What do I need to do?
Go to this link and follow the steps.


I finished a book! How do I get a new one?

Use the link above! If you have questions, reach out to

Where can I find the supplemental activities that you send to my student? 

Bookmark this link or find it by going to our website, hovering over the Volunteer tab, clicking Volunteer Forms & Resources, scrolling down to Adult Literacy & ESOL Materials, and clicking Ventures Supplementals Materials. Click the unit you need underneath the correct Ventures level and it will automatically download to your computer.


How do I find the audio? 

Same link as above, but scroll down to the bottom - after the last unit - and click the Audio link. You’ll see the classroom audio first; keep scrolling for the workbook audio and then test audio.

**For 3rd edition, you can scan the QR codes in the book


I’d like advice on additional resources for my student/s.

Email Erin and/or Meghan with an idea of what you are looking for, and they will give you some options. You can also set up a time to come into the office and explore the library for resources.

Video Platforms

What are the best video platforms for online meetings/classes? 
Each platform has its own pros and cons. Here are a few of the most common platforms and their benefits and misses: 




Intuitive and easy-to-use screen sharing feature

Built-in and interactive whiteboard

Remote control feature



The free version has a 40-minute limit


Google Meet


Integrated with Google Calendar, Google Drive and Jamboard (among other Google services)

Runs in the browser instead of a program you have to download 

Subtitle feature



Whiteboard not built-in (need to integrate Jamboard)

No waiting room


Microsoft Teams


Built-in whiteboard among other integrations



Free version limited




No time limit



Whiteboard not built-in

Video call quality can be inconsistent


Jitsi Meet


Easy, quick set-up; no account needed


No time restrictions



No built-in whiteboard

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